What is Totus Tuus?
The Totus Tuus parish summer catechetical program is a week-long “parish mission” for Catholic youth in the 1st through 12th grades. It is dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel
and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, apologetics, Christian witness, the sacraments, Marian devotion, and Eucharistic adoration. Totus Tuus accomplishes
this by having college students, young adults, and seminarians engage the youth of the parish with skits, songs, games and inspiring, interactive teaching. Totus Tuus instructs young people
in the basic tenets of the Catholic faith to cultivate both a firm intellectual grounding and a solid personal relationship with Christ and demonstrates that one can be a faithful, practicing
Catholic and still have a lot of fun! Totus Tuus, a Latin phrase meaning “totally yours,” was the motto of Saint John Paul II. Taken from St. Louis de Montfort’s work, True
Devotion to Mary, it signifies our desire to give ourselves entirely to Jesus Christ through the hands of our Blessed Mother Mary. It also expresses our effort to give all that we have to
every young person we encounter. Totus Tuus seeks to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion, and an openness to their vocation by
challenging them to give themselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary and by continually strengthening their prayer lives in imitation of her.
*We will share our dates for the summer of 2025 as soon as we know them! We would love to have your family join us!!