To submit an article for publication, please use the form below. When you are finished with your submission you will get a confirmation email. We will contact you if we have any questions.
Here are a few other guidelines to be aware of:
Each bulletin has a Sunday publication date.
As such, all requests (outside of holidays/holiday seasons) must be submitted and received by Noon two Thursdays in advance of the Sunday in which you wish the submission to appear (i.e., 10 days in advance). This gives us time to proof the submission, design the bulletin, and get it printed. Please know that this timeline tightens around the holidays due to printing deadlines. In short, please plan ahead!
Due to various pastoral/missional/evangelical priorities as well as space limitations, please be aware that we may not (be able to) publish all requests. Or, we may need to limit the number of times that we publish them.
Assuming that we have your submission in plenty of time, we will try to publish approved items about one month beforehand and the week immediately before (two times total) unless you have another preference (i.e., you’d prefer three months in advance so that people can save the date for a big event, etc.). We may be able to publish the same submission more than two times total on occasion, but only when there are no other new items/submissions that take priority.
All submissions should include a short title, accurate information (i.e., dates, contact information, location, etc.), and be print ready. We will not re-write or edit submissions at length to make them intelligible or hunt people down to get basic information.
If you wish to include a graphic or image, please email a high resolution .jpg or .png file to [email protected] and mention which article/submission it goes with.
We reserve the right to approve/deny all requests because of space limitations and/or other pastorate-wide priorities.
If you have any questions, please contact Sheila Raab, our bulletin editor ([email protected]).